Gammel Dansk Bitter Dram 70cl / 38 %

The Gammel Dansk Bitter Dram is a Danish bitter whose name literally means "Old Dane". It was created in 1961 to become the competitor of other bitters like Jägermeister, Fernet Branca or Peychaud.

It is produced from a secret recipe based on 29 ingredients including star anise, nutmeg, ginger, bay leaf, gentian, Seville oranges, cinnamon and many others. 

In Denmark, it is tradition that the party begins with Gammel Dansk. It also came out easily during lunch, brunch or a wedding or birthday party.

70CL / 38%

EAN : 7048352057733

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4 in stock 2024-07-25

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Total : 0.00€

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