Broker's Gin 40% 70cl / 40 %

Broker’s gin is made according to a 200-year-old recipe. It is made from distilled English wheat to which is added 10 traditional ingredients from 3 different continents: juniper berries from Macedonia, coriander seeds from Bulgaria, iris root and licorice from Italy, nutmeg from India, cassie from Indonesia (dried bark of young shoots of a species of laurel), Seychelles cinnamon, oranges and lemons from Spain and angelica root from Poland. It then undergoes 4 new distillations that give it this unique taste.

Since 2002, this gin has won a multitude of medals in many countries. It is also called "Gentleman’s Gin". Indeed, on the bottle we find the image of the gentleman with the bowler hat to recall the period of the 1930s.

70CL / 40%

EAN : 5060017740011

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14 in stock 2025-02-18

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Total : 0.00€

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